Qualitative Approach of Designing the Pattern of the Antecedents of Customer Forgiveness in the Banking Sector

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of Management Department, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran

2 department of management, faculty of humanities, islamic azad university of sanandaj

3 Assistant Prof., Faculty of management, Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran



The present study was conducted with the aim of providing a pattern of customer forgiveness in the banking sector. This research was conducted in the framework of a qualitative approach using the meta-synthesis method based on the seven-stage model of Sandelowski and Barroso (2007). The current research field included all the articles that have been done in the field of research between 2010 and 2023. Sampling was done in a theoretical and full-count manner. In this study, 90 articles were examined, 20 studies were removed due to inconsistency in terms of title, 18 articles in terms of abstract inconsistency, and 11 articles in terms of inappropriateness of content, and finally the number of articles was reduced to 41 articles in terms of abstract and study. The data were analyzed and categorized in three levels of abstraction, including primary code, component, and dimension using maxqda software. After reviewing 41 articles, 38 initial codes were found in the form of 4 structural dimensions; contextual factors; Individual factors/providers of services and individual factors/receivers of services and 12 components including dimensions of violation; Management of communication with customers during and after the violation; recovery strategies; brand value; lack of fundamental error of documents; Beliefs and values system; Social capital; perceived behavioral control; restorative justice; emotional factors of customers; Cognitive characteristics of customers and demographic characteristics of customers were identified. The categories of recovery strategies, lack of fundamental error of documents and restorative justice were ranked first to third respectively.


Main Subjects