Document Type : Research Paper
Lorestan university assistant professor, Management faculty, Korramabad, Iran
Associate Professor, member of the academic staff of the Department of Management, Lorestan University-Khorramabad-Iran
Masters student, management Group, Faculty of Management and Economics, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
The modern and changing world of today’s marketing, due to the increasing changes, requires the use of new techniques and programs, one of these programs is called brand tribalism. Brand tribes support the brand in a stronger way, and in fact, due to brand bias and love for the brand, if a brand makes a mistake, they provide an opportunity to correct and compensate these mistakes. Therefore, the current study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of brand tribalism on brand loyalty with the mediating role of brand love. The statistical population of the present research includes the customers of the garment industry, considering that the size of the statistical population is unlimited, JPower software was used to determine the sample size, and at the 95% confidence level, the sample size was equal to 167 people, which were selected by sampling in convenient method. In the present study, a questionnaire was used to collect information, the validity and reliability of which was confirmed by content validity method and Cronbach's alpha. Structural equation modeling method and PLS software have been used to test hypotheses and analyze data. As a general result of the research, it should be mentioned that due to the competitive environment prevailing in today's market and the risk of losing customers, by creating brand tribes and strengthening brand love in consumers, business owners can guide them towards brand forgiveness and avoid the consequences of unforgiveness by taking advantage of the benefits of brand forgiveness.
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