Mapping the irancel conceptual Network by Using Brand Concept Map

Document Type : Qualitative Research Paper


1 Full Professor of Marketing Management, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’I University Tehran, Iran.

2 PHD student of marketing management student/ Allameh Tabataba'i university

3 Master student in business management, elmosanat university of iran



Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the brand image of Irancel Company. Irancel is one of the most popular operators, so studying the brand image of this company shows the strengths and weaknesses of irancels brand. and its an applied research output for irancel managers and they can plan for the future and impressiveness of company's brand.

Method: the method of this study was brand concept map. The society were contacts (customers and non-customers) of irancel company.studied sample was 76 people including 52 customer and 24 non-customer. structures deep interviews used for data collection, collected data summered by indexes such as associations strength-positive and negative associations and by using this indexes final and aggressive map explored.

Results: the finding of this research was the brand concept map of irancel. The map contains brand associations (positive and negative) - associative intensity and relationship between associations.

Conclusion: The most important associations found with the Irancell brand have been medium-sized brand, high advertising, high speed internet and good service, cheaper service price than competitors and leading brand in service innovation. In sum, audiences can think of Irancell as a challenging brand in the market that has less credibility than its competitor but has better and cheaper the way irancel company needs to change the image of brand by using re branding strategies. and they have to focus on their contacts- brand credit and visual identity.


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