Online Customer Experience model in times of Covid19

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Identifying customer behavior, especially customer experience, is a vital driver for the survival and profitability of companies. The dimensions and themes of this construct are very dynamic and changeable, its forming depends on the contextual situation. The more the environmental conditions are unstable, the more correct and timely identification is important. During pervasive crises, the impact of environmental factors on customer behavior is drastically severe. Customers are interested in online shopping due to the obligation made by new regulations: curfews and social distancing during the Covid 19. Subsequently, identifying customer behavior became more and more important to experts and researchers. The purpose of the study is to identify the dimensions and themes, and providing a model for online customer experience in this critical era. The qualitative meta-synthesis research approach was employed to systematically analysis and assessment of previous researches. The research population includes all relevant articles and researches. By reviewing 36 selected articles among 326 initial articles, 7 dimensions, 18 themes and 63 codes were identified. Validity and trust of the dimensions, themes and codes were confirmed (kappa = 0.71). The codes were ranked using Shannon entropy technique, the level of support of previous researches for the research findings was calculated. In this study, two important results were obtained. First, during Covid19, there are seven dimensions in the online customer experience model, including company, app/site, product/service, security, purchase, hygiene, and emotional experiences, revealing a new categorization. Second, the dimensions and themes are significantly different from previous models of this construct.


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