Survey relationship between relationship marketing and Organizational citizenship behavior in commerce banks in Kurdistan province

Document Type : Research Paper



Todays by increasing service industries, relationship marketing for absorbs and maintaince costumer and prepare their needs and wants for organization spatial for commerce banks is very important. Many attempted is done in these filed are documents for this phenomena. Organizational citizenship behavior as extra role cans facilate relationship marketing in organizations. For survey these claim in current study is attempted study relationship between relationship marketing and OCB   in commerce banks in Kurdistan province. For access to this aim 320 people of bank personnel is selection as sample. This study is applied and descriptive study and for data collecting is used of questionnaire instrument. For determining relationship between RM and OCB is used of Pearson correlation test. Also for determining the share of OCB dimensions impact on MR is used of anticipate regression and path analysis.   The results of this study is indicated there are meaningful relationships between OCB and MR. also dimensions of OCB such as organizational loyalty, organizational obedience and self development have main impact on MR in commerce banks in Kurdistan province.


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