Today’s in the competitive world, competitive advantage is a key factor to any company. One of the most important and most non-duplication of any company assets is brand equity. Assess the consequences and outcomes of brand equity management are one of the most important issues to measure intangible assets of organizations in the new economy. This study examined factors affecting the brand preference by consumers. Three structures of knowledge equity, attitudinal equity and relationship equity investigated and their impact on brand preference is measured. Two brand examined in this study are Hakoupian and Maxim, that in the clothing industry are active in Iran. For data collection, a questionnaire with a five option’s Likert range of clothing, were distributed among consumers in Tehran. The data collected were analyzed with using structural equation modeling. The result show that only the relationship equity (Includes indicators of value received, brand satisfaction and loyalty attitude) has significant positive impact on brand preference. Also positive and significant impact between the intention to purchase and brand preferences has been confirmed.
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