Analysis of the role of website quality on the behavior of investors in companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management,Economics and Accounting,Payame Noor University,Tehran,Iran

2 Islamic Azad University of Khaf Center

3 Islamic Azad University

4 Islamic Azad University, ShahreQods Branch


Analysis of the role of website quality on the behavior of investors in companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange
The increasing use of social media and business and marketing through these connecting devices, have given a new life to industry and, using these new tools, customers have become more loyal. Today, the disclosure of corporate financial information through the internet and the existence of a complete information system, are discussed as one of the most important issues in various countries of the world. This is linked to new information and communication technologies and in some cases affects routine accounting practices, so that numerous statements have been published about disclosure of financial information across the globe. In this research, the effect of the quality of the information website of the companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange on their marketing power (including the company's sales volume and stock trading volume and price of stock) was studied using the structural equation method during the period of 2012-2016. The results show that as the quality of the website of a company is higher and its activity is up to date, the behavior of investors will grow dramatically.
Keywords: Website Quality, behavior of investors,Tehran Stock Exchange


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