Evaluating the travel agencies websites Based on the eMCIA model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 department of Economics, university of Kurdistan

2 Department of Management , University of Kurdistan



Electronic marketing has been used by many organizations and companies in the world as one of the most important aspects of innovation in doing business. Today, the expansion of e-commerce has reduced to visit the offices of travel and tourism agencies. E-marketing can lead to improved sales of travel and tourism services. The purpose of this study is to review and evaluate the websites of travel and tourism agencies in Iran. The statistical population of this study includes travel and tourism agencies in Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Mashhad and Sanandaj cities. The results of the evaluations of travel and tourism agencies and their comparison with the city of Tehran show that only the agencies of Mashhad city with 60.7% compared to Tehran with 27.5% are in the first Layer of the second stage. Also, in the Third layer in second stage, only the agencies of Isfahan city with 66.7% are at a higher level compared to Tehran with 47.5%. The rest of the agencies in other cities are at a lower level in different stages.


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