The Impact of Psychological Contract Breach and Violation on Customer Citizenship Behaviours of hospitals with regard to the mediating role of Trust Customer

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Humanities, University of Malayer, Hamadan, Iran

2 Department of Business Administration Business Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University, Malayer, Hamadan

3 Department of Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University,, Hamadan. Iran

4 Department of Management, Faculty of Humanities, Malayer University, Hamadan, Iran



The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of violation of psychological contracts on citizenship behaviors of customers with regard to the mediating role of trust among clients and customers of a hospital in Hamadan province. For this purpose, For this purpose, 210 people were selected using the method of determining the sample size in multivariate regression analysis. Questionnaire was used for data collection and its reliability and validity were assessed by Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. The conceptual model of the research was measured using the structural section of the structural equation model called path analysis.The results showed that the breach of the psychological contract has a strong relationship with the violation of the psychological contract and a breach of the psychological contract can lead to a violation of the psychological contract. This feeling of a hospital's non-adherence to psychological contracts distorts the perceptions and attitudes of patients as customers regarding their reliability, honesty, and good intentions in order to meet their interests and needs, and regarding the hospital's ability to fulfill what it promises. It is the basis of patients' lack of trust towards a hospital. Also, this lack of trust created towards a hospital can cause negative citizenship behaviors such as not providing feedback, not helping other patients, and not praising and promoting that hospital positively to potential customers.


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