Editorial note

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


It is clear that what is important for companies and business institutions is to provide products that suit the tastes of customers. In other words, paying attention to the tastes and preferences of customers, leads to the creation of a desirable experience in people and the continuation of their purchase. The effort of companies to create a unique experience for customers can be considered very important for them, because it leads to customer satisfaction, loyalty and redemption. Therefore, in order to create a good experience for customers, it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological characteristics of customers.
In this regard, companies generally use social media to promote their brand and communicate with their target customers. This is done in order to understand the experiences of customers and their feedback. Therefore, due to the speed of information dissemination through social media, companies need to have accurate information about their customers to prevent any negative advertising from them. However, since it is not possible to deal with customers face-to-face on social media, it is necessary to make a good effort to create a good experience for customers, and for this, accuracy, speed, accuracy and honesty in providing products are essential.
Accordingly, in Issue 6 (2) of the Consumer Behavior Studies‌ Journal, a qualitative and quantitative study of the factors affecting behavior, experiences, interests and consumerism has been studied and an attempt has been made to publish the valuable results of studies conducted by researchers in this journal. 
Editor in Chief
Prof Ali Sanayei